I have never thought about blogging before taking this subject. I have to say that personally I am not a blogger as writing my thoughts down in a diary format is just not my thing.
But in saying that, there is a blog for every subject. You can find blogs on topics such as travel, personal thoughts, journalism, political, art, photography etc.
While researching for an subject last year, I ran across a credible author of a blog site on Google. He was a retired journalist who has turned blogging into a full time job. I used some of his blog in an assignment as I could prove his credibility.
In today's society, where individuals feel more at ease typing what they think into a computer rather than talk to a human being, or just getting their point of view out there for the entire world to see, has it's place. I personally will not be continuing this blog after the subject is finished. Once again it is just not my thing. But will keep a look out for any other students who will continue to blog.
All in all I wish everyone Happy Blogging if that is your thing.
Well After much time and trial I have finally used FTP for the first time ever to upload my web page. As I had already uploaded it into the presentations section of webct, ftp asked if I wanted to overwrite the file and I said 'yes'.
I was a bit nervous at first thinking that the file I had uploaded to presentations would somehow be swallowed up by the big bad internet monster, but alas my fears were put to rest when I went and checked the presentations section and low and behold my web page was still there in all of its glory.
Anyway, here is the url address for it: http://webct.curtin.edu.au/305033_b/student_pres/Group07/index.html
Hope everybody enjoys my very first attempt at creating a web page.
Now I must conquer the blogs task, before starting the assignment.
After checking and re-checking my web page, I cannot see that I have broken any copyright laws. I acknowledged any outside sources that I used and referenced my definition of an accountant. The image of the puppies was from a free my space images site and I acknowledged the actual url.
I work on this theory, if in doubt reference or acknowledge where you got the data/image/font/glitter etc from. Or if the data etc is not coming from a free site/source then you need to gain written permission to use the data etc. Verbal approval will not stand up in court. It is always better to get everything in written form.
In regard to using the curtin logo at the top of my web page. If I did not gain written permission then I would be breaking copyright law, as far as I can see after reading the copyright policy and procedures document. That is my interpretation anyway.
I have the philosophy that copyright breaches can be avoided if you just use your common sense.