Saturday, June 28, 2008

Task 3 - Legal Issues

After checking and re-checking my web page, I cannot see that I have broken any copyright laws. I acknowledged any outside sources that I used and referenced my definition of an accountant. The image of the puppies was from a free my space images site and I acknowledged the actual url.

I work on this theory, if in doubt reference or acknowledge where you got the data/image/font/glitter etc from. Or if the data etc is not coming from a free site/source then you need to gain written permission to use the data etc. Verbal approval will not stand up in court. It is always better to get everything in written form.

In regard to using the curtin logo at the top of my web page. If I did not gain written permission then I would be breaking copyright law, as far as I can see after reading the copyright policy and procedures document. That is my interpretation anyway.

I have the philosophy that copyright breaches can be avoided if you just use your common sense.

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