Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Task A & B- Telnet

Task A done and dusted.

As you can see I have the email from the Deakin library in my inbox. Yes it worked. I must say that using telnet was easier than I thought. I am not so sure if I will ever need to use telnet in my chosen profession, but at least I know it exists if I ever do need to use it.

Using a screen that is black and white took me back to my first experience with a computer back in 1988. I think we are so accustomed to using today's technology, that as a user we I am unaware of alternatives to the Internet.

As another student pointed out, telnet gives us a look at what was probably the earliest form of today's Internet. I must say that I prefer today's version to that of telnet.

Task B

Okay, blinkenlights was interesting but very slow. I am in awe of the person/people who created it as they would have invested a lot of time and energy in producing such a elaborate show. But I have to say in all honesty that I did exit very early as I found it to be boring. Possibly because 1) I am not a fan of star wars and 2) I use the computer for work and have not and will never use the computer for games etc.

Call me boring but I am who I am.